o Make sure your insurance policies and personal documents like ID’s are up to date. Make copies and keep them in a secure password-protected digital space or waterproof bag.
o Declutter drains and gutters, bring in outside furniture, put up hurricane shutters.
o Do not drain your pool, lower the level of water 6 to 12 inches and add chlorine, make sure to turn off electricity to equipment to prevent damage.
o Keep your cell phone charged when you know a hurricane is in the forecast and purchase backup charging devices to power electronics.
o Have enough supplies for your household, include medication, disinfectant supplies, cloth face coverings, pet supplies to last for several weeks.
o Stock up on nonperishable food and drinking water.
o Have an evacuation plan made well in advance.
o Know where to shut off power and water to your home.
o Fuel up your vehicle, propane tank, and generator.
o Fill the bathtub with water for washing and flushing.
o Turn refrigerator and freezer to coldest settings.
o During a storm, stay indoors and away from windows and glass doors.

- Cash
- Drinking water (1 gallon per person per day)
- Non-perishable food (5-7 days per person)
- Ice chest / ice
- Prescription medication (month supply)
- Cell phone and charger
- Flashlights / flameless candles
- Battery operated Radio / TV
- Spare batteries
- Propane gas for grill
- Fuel and oil for generators and vehicles
- First aid kit
- Pet food and medication
- Infant necessities (diapers, medication, formula, etc.
- Insect repellent and sunscreen
- Soap and detergent
- Books, magazine, toys, and games
- Camera
- Toiletries, pre-moistened towelettes, and plastic trash bags

For more information on how to prepare go to: